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Destruction. Creation.

Destruction. Creation.

{Acrylic, 12”x12”} ~ "Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction." ~~~~~~~ Pablo Picasso



{Acrylic, 12"x12"} ~ “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” ― Margaret Mead Every soul who has ever lived or will ever live is completely unique from all others and equally beautiful in the sight of God.

Once Broken

Once Broken

{Acrylic, 12"x12"} Once broken, a heart, a promise, a trust, a family, it can be repaired, but it can never be again as it originally was.

Little Dedo

Little Dedo

{Acrylic, 12"x12"} Little Dedo, Gargoyle of Protection. ~ Click link to read about Dedo.



{Acrylic, 12"x12"}

Life After

Life After

{Acrylic, 12"x12"}



{Acrylic, 12"x16"} Pysanky eggs are an ancient Ukrainian tradition of painting intricate designs on eggs, given as keepsakes symbolizing good wishes. More recently they are used in fundraising for humanitarian efforts for the people of Ukraine.

Fragile. Handle with Care.

Fragile. Handle with Care.

{Acrylic, 12"x12"}

Failure to Launch

Failure to Launch

{Acrylic, 12"x12"}

E pluribus unum

E pluribus unum

{Acrylic, 12"x12"} E plulribus unum is the motto of the United States of America since 1782. When individual parts are connected together to form one entity, they are worth more than if the parts were in silos.

Pearls of Wisdom

Pearls of Wisdom

{Acrylic, 12"x12"} What we learn from life is its gift to us.

The Art of Democracy

The Art of Democracy

{Acrylic, 12"x12"}

Petal to the Metal_1967

Petal to the Metal_1967

{Acrylic, 12"x12"} Inspired by the Pulitzer Prize winning photo from 1967 capturing first time a flower placed into American soldiers' gun barrels was used symbolically to stop violence, representing a new generation pushing back for change.

Breaking Through

Breaking Through

{Acrylic, 12"x12"} Dedicated to forward motion of the best and brightest of the next generation.



{Acrylic, 12"x12"} ~ Love. It is both the most fragile and the most powerful state of being. So many facets, love of another, of self, of family, of a memory, of an endeavor, of God's creatures, of nature. Complex and elusive. It can take a lifetime to understand but in the end it's what was most important.

A Child's Imagination

A Child's Imagination

{Acrylic, 10"x8"} "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

Bowl Of Cherries

Bowl Of Cherries

{Acrylic 12"x12"} ~ Life is a bowl of cherries, it also comes with the pits.



{Acrylic, 8"x10"} There are no guarantees of tomorrow, a good thing to remember as you choose how to live each moment today.

Tomato & Me

Tomato & Me

{Acrylic, 12"x12"}



{Acrylic, 10"x8"}



{Acrylic, 11"x14"} "Just as a life is made of days so are days made of moments. A life well lived is firmly planted in the sweet soil of moments." - Wayne Muller ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dedicated with love to my father

Decisions. Decisions.

Decisions. Decisions.

{Acrylic, 8"x10"}



{20"x24", Acrylic} Remembering beloved pets, passed over but never gone.



{Acrylic, 20"x16"} ~ In my youth, I was occasionally accused of being a "Pollyanna" because of trying to look at a situation on the bright side. As a child, I was told this was unrealistic and hides the actual truth. Now that I am older and wiser, I have learned that we can create our own truth.



{Acrylic, 12"x12"} From the most powerful to the most fragile, here's to a world living in peace and harmony.

Chance Meeting

Chance Meeting

{Acrylic, 10"x8"} That feeling of familiarity that sometimes happens when you meet someone for the first time.



{Acrylic, 8"x10"}

Free To Be

Free To Be

{Acrylic, 10"x8"} Having the courage to leave behind what is comfortable and known in order to take the unknown journey toward your passions and happiness is the ultimate fulfillment.

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© 2024 by Catherine Seay, SeayArts, LLC. All rights reserved.

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